If you don't already know exactly what your credit score
is and what is on your credit report, this is where I suggest
you start. It is far too common that when you rely your lender
to inform you of your credit they will exaggerate and harp on
anything bad, regardless of the issue, when it was or what's
been demonstrated since then and will charge you a higher interest
rate than you deserve.
Example: You could have 5 years of great credit history and
a bad mark or two from an old account you did not even know of.
When the lender asks you, "what about this late payment
on your department store card" and you say "HUH???",
the lender immediately is going to think, "cha-ching, add
another point to the interest rate". What if he asked you
about that and you said,
"well that is from 5 years ago, is only for $89 and I've
actually been trying to get those guys to send me details of
the claim so I can get it cleared up and have yet to receive
anything." (or if the situation is far worse like a repo
or something you can at least be prepared to offer details of
why it happened then and why it won't happen now).

There's also a very good chance there's things on your credit
report you are not even aware of! Knowing what's on there is
there only way to clean it up.
Bottom line is if you have excellent credit then you need to
start immediately at your best rate lending source. If you have
bad credit then starting with a "good credit only lender" is
only going to make your chances that much worse. Lots of recent
credit inquiries on your report is not good so it's best to start
where you think your chances are best!
FIND OUT what's in your CREDIT REPORT TODAY - so it's
100% ACCURATE TOMORROW. Order a 3-BUREAU REPORT from CreditReporting.com.