The Technical Side of MySiteSpace
Don't let our cheap web hosting
prices fool you, MySiteSpace uses only premium facilities, equipment
and software to host your web site. Below are some technical details
of our hosting operation. Connectivity
MySiteSpace has enough connectivity to serve millions of visitors
at any given time. We utilize multiple, redundant high speed fiber
connections to the following carriers:
- Verio Gigabit Link
- Time Warner Gigabit Link
- Cogent Gigabit Link
- Allegiance Gigabit Link
- Savvis Gigabit Link
Premium Data Center
MySiteSpace utilizes space within one of the largest data centers
in Texas. These facilities are staffed with technical and security
personnel 24x7.
Uninterrupted Power
Should we lose power from the power company on all grids at once
(not likely) we have first stage battery UPS to handle short interruptions.
Within minutes of the battery UPS kicking in, our diesel generators
are started and ready to take over for as long as is needed.
Daily Data Backup
Let's face it, sometimes technology fails us. While we go to great lengths to
prevent any serious technical issues, we also plan and even practice for if
and when crashes do occur. We perform backups of all sites once a day
and can have sites restored within a couple of hours in the event of a serious
crash. In addition to our own backup practices, our clients may also perform
self-backups with a single click from their account control panel.
Fast Pentium Servers
Cheap web hosting does not mean cheap web servers. We utilize all
modern servers each with plenty of RAM to handle the task. We monitor
our servers closely for any potential hardware and software issues
to be as proactive as possible in the event of failure.
Redhat Enterprise OS with Cpanel Hosting Automation System
Linux offers the fastest, most powerful and most reliable operating
system for web hosting and Cpanel completes the package with an
user-friendly control panel packed with dozens of tools and features.
Control emails, block spam, create new users, install a forum and
much more right form your user control panel.
Current Software Versions
- OS: Redhat Enterprise 3
- Cpanel 9.1.0
- Apache Version 1.3.29 (Unix)
- Kernel Version 2.4.21-27.7.x
- Perl Version perl-5.8.0-88.4
- PHP Version 4.3.3 (with Zend Optimizer v2.5.1)
- MySQL Version 4.0.18-standard
