How To Ping & Traceroute Your
Web Host or Site
Ping is a simple utility that is used to check if a server
is active and responding, and if it is, how long it is taking
packets of information to travel from your computer to the
destination server. Packets are small blocks of data (often
32 bytes of information), the sending is then are checked to
ensure that the data is transfered accurately. In addition
to the time statistics provided, you will also receive the
IP address of your destination. This can be usefull in tracking
domain name issues by ensuring that the domain is pointing
to the correct IP address.
Traceroute is a utility that helps diagnose network congestion
between your computer (ISP) and the destination server (
Traceroute works by sending packets of information from your
location to the destination and timing how long it takes to
receive a response. In addition to tracking the time it takes
to reach the final destination, you are provided with the times
to each 'Hop' between your terminal and the destination. Each
Hop is a separate 'router' that your information must pass
through. By providing the times for each hop, we can often
find the source of problems accessing a server.
Using Ping in MS DOS
For Windows users, ping is already setup to run in the MS
DOS window. To use Ping, open an MS DOS window, and type 'ping' (without the quotes) and press [ENTER].
You should see something that looks similar to the following:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes
of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=140ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time=160ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time=155ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time=145ms TTL=244
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 145ms, Maximum = 160ms, Average = 150ms
This tells you that the MySiteSpace server is up and running,
and that the average time it took 32 bytes of data to travel
from your computer to, and back is 98ms.
Using Traceroute in MS DOS
For Windows 95 and 98 users, traceroute is already setup to
run in the MS DOS window. To use traceroute, open an MS DOS
window, and type 'tracert' and press [ENTER].
You should see something that looks similar to the following:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 119 ms 121 ms 120 ms []
2 107 ms 114 ms 98 ms
3 113 ms 117 ms 123 ms
4 135 ms 122 ms 116 ms
5 134 ms 145 ms 159 ms []
6 144 ms 142 ms 136 ms Hssi2-1-0.BR1.SCL1.Alter.Net []
7 145 ms 152 ms 147 ms 105.ATM3-0.XR1.SCL1.ALTER.NET []
8 138 ms 149 ms 146 ms 195.ATM2-0.TR1.SCL1.ALTER.NET []
9 189 ms 170 ms 209 ms 107.ATM6-0.TR1.NYC1.ALTER.NET []
10 187 ms 180 ms 180 ms 199.ATM7-0.XR1.BOS1.ALTER.NET []
11 194 ms 177 ms 185 ms 191.ATM8-0-0.GW1.BOS1.ALTER.NET []
12 196 ms 208 ms 179 ms NVC.customer.UU.NET []
13 197 ms 206 ms 207 ms []
Trace complete.
As you can see, it took 13 'hops' to get from my computer
to the server. If you experience hops with
* this denotes possible congestion (packet loss) and can affect
the loading of your pages. When this occurs and you are having
trouble accessing your server, send in a support request with
the above information. You can use the Copy and Paste buttons
in MSDOS to copy to the request form's text box.
You can save the information from a Ping or Traceroute to a text file by using
the following syntax:
Ping >>filename.txt
Tracert >>filename.txt
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